Plug For New Zealand: What You Need To Know

What is the plug for New Zealand? Before you travel, check the information below to make sure your electronic devices are compatible with the outlet type and voltage.


Electrical Summary

Plug Compatibility: Type I

Voltage: 220V – 240V

Frequency: 50 Hz

Type I

Type I Outlet: A white electrical outlet with two sockets and a grounded prong

Can North Americans use Electronics in New Zealand without an Adapter?

No! North Americans will need an adapter for the outlets and a transformer for the voltage when traveling to New Zealand. North Americans device plugs will not work with the outlet types in New Zealand. Also, the voltage in New Zealand is different from North American voltages.



Can Europeans use Electronics in New Zealand without an adapter?

Europeans do not need a transformer when traveling to New Zealand. The voltage in New Zealand is the same as in Europe. However, Europeans will need a travel adapter when traveling to New Zealand.



What Outlet does New Zealand Use?

Type I

Type I Outlet: A white electrical outlet with two sockets and a grounded prong

Type I plug sockets are used in Australia, New Zealand. They have two flat pins and a grounding pin. These plugs are typically used with devices that have a voltage of 230V.


Is it safe to drink water in New Zealand?

In general, tap water should only be consumed from trusted sources. It’s important to note that water quality can vary depending on the region and even within the same city, so it’s always a good idea to check with locals or authorities for specific information about the area you’ll be visiting. Also, conditions and infrastructure may change over time.
To be on the safe side, you can use common precautions such as boiling tap water for at least one minute, using water purification tablets, or drinking bottled water. It’s also important to note that ice may be made from tap water and that foods may be washed or prepared with tap water.

We recommend always packing a filtered water bottle when traveling:



Travel Essentials

Be sure to check our list of travel essentials before your trip!


Recommended Travel Essentials


Should I get travel insurance when traveling to New Zealand?

It is generally recommended to get travel insurance when traveling to a different country. Travel insurance can provide financial protection and peace of mind in case of unexpected events, such as medical emergencies, trip cancellations, lost or stolen baggage, or other travel-related mishaps.

Travel insurance can cover various expenses related to your trip, such as medical expenses, emergency medical transportation, trip cancellation or interruption, lost or stolen baggage or personal belongings, and other travel-related expenses.

Before purchasing travel insurance, it’s important to carefully review the policy details, including the coverage limits, exclusions, and any applicable deductibles or copays. You should also make sure that the policy covers any activities or destinations that you plan to participate in or visit during your trip.


Travel Summary

New Zealand is a small island nation located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean, southeast of Australia. The country is made up of two main islands, the North Island and the South Island, as well as numerous smaller islands, with a population of around 5 million people.

New Zealand is known for its stunning natural beauty, with pristine beaches, snow-capped mountains, and lush forests. The country’s economy is largely based on tourism, agriculture, and manufacturing, with a focus on exports such as dairy products, meat, and wine.


New Zealand is a parliamentary democracy, with a constitutional monarchy as the head of state, represented by the Governor-General. The country has a unicameral parliament, known as the House of Representatives, which is made up of 120 members.


New Zealand is a multicultural society, with a significant Maori population, as well as people of European, Pacific Islander, and Asian descent. The country has a rich cultural heritage, with a blend of Maori and European influences, and is known for its vibrant arts and music scene.


Despite its many strengths, New Zealand faces a number of challenges, including climate change, housing affordability, and access to healthcare and education. The country has also been impacted by natural disasters, such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, which have caused significant damage and loss of life.


The government of New Zealand has worked to address these challenges, with a focus on sustainable development, social welfare, and environmental protection. The country has also been a vocal advocate for global action on climate change, and is committed to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions and transitioning to a low-carbon economy.


Overall, New Zealand is a unique and beautiful country, with a rich cultural heritage and friendly people. The country’s natural environment is a major draw for visitors, and its diverse population and multicultural society make it a welcoming and inclusive place to live and work.



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